Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Calder Acrobatic Mobiles

All students were introduced to the artist, Alexander Calder and his many mobiles and stabiles.  While some grade levels focused on his stabiles, 4th grade used his mobiles as their inspiration.  They created acrobats that hang precariously from their trapeze.

Paul Klee Inspiration

picture borrowed from:

picture borrowed from:
Students were introduced to a new artist, Paul Klee, that had a very individual style.  He worked with many different types of media and tools to create his artwork.  We used many of his wonderful artworks for our inspirations.  Kindergarten focused on his painting, "Once Emerged From the Gray of Night" for their ABC watercolor resist.  3rd grade used his painting, "Senecio" as their inspiration for their oil pastel / tempera rendition of this famous artwork.