We finally have a M"art"ch Madness Champion! Some of the races were close and some were pretty one sided. To be honest, the winners were not the ones I expected the students to choose. It just shows how much our artistic opinions can vary, which was an awesome twist to this lesson. Students gave very specific reasons they chose their favorites, from color choice, realism, connection to a personal memory/activity, ways the art made them feel and everything in between. They reached a lot further than I ever imagined. I also want to thank all the artists that took their time to respond through Email, Facebook and/or Twitter. The students connected to their community and even learned where some Texas towns were located that we didn't know. It's going to be hard to top this years M"art"ch Madness, but we have some great ideas for next year... Stay Tuned!
If you would like to review the brackets and results please select the link below.
Martch Madness 2016 final