We learned many lessons this week, both the students and myself. The kiddos learned, and are still learning, to work together, use materials respectfully and safely as well as think creatively. It will take some practice, but we will succeed together. I, however, learned a valuable lesson that could only have been learned through classroom experience. After working hard to create and fill our material containers for each table, I realized that more is not always better. If we are not using a supply in the basket, then don't have it in the basket. As excited as I was to let the students experience different kinds of art tools, it became 20+ kids in an "art candy" store. Too many, too quickly, so out they came until we need them. We will learn to pace ourselves and still have a great artistic experience. Looking forward to learning together!!!
Emily C. (Ingram's Incredibles) is so excited about art this year! She couldn't wait to share your blog with me! Love the candy store reference! Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do for our kiddos!!!