Saturday, October 12, 2013

Kandinsky, Van Gogh and Carle, oh my...

Weeks 6 and 7 were spent finishing projects in all grade levels.  Kindergarten and 2nd grade both created caterpillars and butterflies from the the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle.  They both practiced their tracing and cutting skills as well as adding personalized details with bodies, heads, antennas, etc.  They used "bleeding" tissue paper to add color by overlapping pieces and brushing on glue.  1st grade finished their paintings demonstrating motion after discussing and viewing, "Starry Night", by Vincent Van Gogh.  3rd grade finished their Kandinsky abstract paintings demonstrating their knowledge of the different types of lines and geometric shapes.  4th grade finished their Kandinsky remix, by cutting apart their oil pastel circles and rearranging them in an unique way, similar to artistic couple Sonia and Robert Delauney.  They turned out so cool!  5th grade is continuing their work on a collaborative sculpture to be unveiled at Polserfest.  You will have to come to the art room during our carnival to see the awesome artwork completed by our fifth graders.  I've included some of the beginning work, but no finished project until after the unveiling!  Can you guess what they are making????
2nd grade
3rd grade
1st grade
5th grade
4th grade

1 comment:

  1. Won't be able to attend Polserfest in person so make sure to post plenty of pics. Especially interested in the collaborative sculpture.
