Monday, February 27, 2017

Kinder Color Wheels

We get to mix our own paint???  Every kindergartener could not wait to get their brushes moving on this project.  First we talked about symmetry and how to make a heart with our paper folded.  Next we used a ruler to create six sections on our heart.  We learned about primary and secondary colors and painted each section a color from the color wheel.  When our paint was dry, we took our new beautiful color wheels and turned them into an animal of our choice.  So many creative ideas; fish, groundhogs, dogs, cats, raccoons, elephants, snails & tigers just to name a few.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Pop Art in Second

2nd grade began their study of Pop Art with the Brazilian-born artist, Romero Britto. We all practiced with hearts as our focal point, then branched off with our own unique designs.  We drew our subject, separated the background into sections and filled the sections with interesting patterns.  Finally, the bright colors were added using tempera cakes.  The students did such a great job! The finished paintings make you happy just looking at them.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Positive Negative Zentangles in 4th & 5th

After reviewing positive and negative space, students chose their own subject matter and created a basic sketch on white paper.  The sketch was then cut out and reflected to the opposite side of the black paper.  The artists used inspiration zentangles and created original designs to fill the positive spaces, leaving the negative space to outline and accentuate their designs.  Every design was unique and meaningful to the artist, which made them even more wonderful!