Monday, September 28, 2015

Giant Dots and their Little Friends

Kindergarten and First grade created colorful dots during dot week! They used markers to create concentric circles with unique patterns in between each circle. When their drawing was complete, they used a paintbrush to blend the colors with water. We then clipped them all together to create a wonderful installment in front of our hallway windows. The light coming through changed the look throughout the day. We tweeted out our completed artwork (@polserart) and actually got retweeted from Peter Reynolds, the author of The Dot, which we read school-wide during the month of September. It was awesome for the kiddos to see that their artwork was appreciated from someone we had studied. After we get a chance to enjoy them for a while, we are going to take them down and create an artwork using their dots as a part of a new masterpiece.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Portraits of a Different Color

Our first school wide, collaborative artwork is complete! After having a quick review of color value, self-portraits and facial proportions, every student from kindergarten to 5th grade created a self portrait in the values of one color.  When complete, we combined all of the portraits into one beautiful artwork!