Friday, December 18, 2015

Texture & Form in Kinder

Our kindergarten kiddos learned about creating texture within their forms.  We experimented with clay as well as using Model Magic.  Color was added to further individualize each product.  They created necklaces, ornaments, statues and charms.  It was so fun to try out two different materials to create our 3D art works.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"Sugar" Skulls in Fourth

Fourth grade researched the holiday, Day of the Dead and compared/contrasted to Halloween.  We learned that it is a celebration of life and not scary at all.  The students focused on the use of a sugar skull as part of the celebration.  First we used paper mache to create a basic mask, then painted it white.  Then they researched what kind of decorations are used on the sugar skulls before decorating their own.  Finally they added unique details and accessories to make it their own.  All of them were very different and true to their personalities.  What an awesome job they did!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Warm & Cool Trees in Third

In 3rd grade we created our own horizontal/vertical grid.  Then we drew a realistic tree trunk within a circle we had created with a compass.  We added details to our tree to create a unique trunk & branches. Using oil pastels, we chose warm colors in the circle and cool colors outside our tree following the grid we created.  All of us approached the project a little differently which created a very unique "forest" of trees!